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El Brujo, access allowed

Allowed Access - Metal Mask

Today on our microprogram 'El Brujo: Allowed Access, we continue learning more about the Lambayeque period, and this time we will analyze a metal mask found inside of a funerary bale.

Allowed Access - Lambayeque Woman Bale

We present a new edition of our microprogram 'El Brujo: Allowed Access.' Let's learn more about the textiles used in the funerary bales of the Lambayeque period.

Allowed Access - Lambayeque Slingshot

Today, in a new edition of 'El Brujo: Allowed Access,' we will learn more about a lethal weapon found inside a Lambayeque tomb. It's the slingshot, learn more about it in the following video.

"Allowed Access - Preservation of Lambayeque Funerary Bale

Today, in a new episode of our microprogram 'El Brujo: Allowed Access,' let's learn more about the textiles used in the funerary bales of the Lambayeque period.

Allowed Access - Wooden Spoon from the Lambayeque Period

Today, in a new episode of our microprogram 'El Brujo: Allowed Access,' we will study the details and characteristics of a wooden spoon found in a Lambayeque tomb.

Allowed Access - Cao Museum Funerary Bales Repository

We invite you to explore, guided by our archaeologist Rubén Buitron, the Funerary Bales Repository at the El Brujo Archaeological Complex.

Allowed Access - Lady of Cao's Dress

Learn more about the textile garments found and about one of Lady of Cao's dresses!

Allowed Access - Canchero Pottery

A new edition of the microprogram El Brujo, Allowed Access. Where together we will discover more about Canchero Pottery.

Allowed Access - Colonial Stockings

Welcome to another edition of the microprogram El Brujo: Allowed Access. Let's explore, alongside Rubén Buitrón, laboratory chief of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex, the incredible findings of the colonial stockings discovered between 1579 and 1780. Let's watch the following video.

Allowed Access - Carved Bone

We're back with another edition of the microprogram El Brujo: Allowed Access. Today, we'll learn about the carved bone fragments discovered in a tomb during the Cupisnique period. Don't miss it!

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