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Por: José Alva
As part of Wiese Foundation's commitment to the preservation of the archaeological heritage, work has been carried out to recondition the six Cao Museum depots, which protect the materials recovered in the excavation campaigns carried out in the El Brujo Archaeological Complex, especially in the Huaca Cao Viejo.
These works are part of a collection re-organization plan, which aims to improve the conditions of archaeological assets, in terms of minimum conservation criteria, through the application of strategies to mitigate deterioration agents, as in the systematic organization of collections.
The first activity, within the framework of preventive conservation, aimed to control the temperature peaks that occur in the summer months, through a thermal insulation system on the west wall of the depots and on the roof of the depots, which are the sides that receive the most solar radiation during the day.
Said system consisted in the installation of anchors and metal structures on which rigid panels of 2” polystyrene and 4mm fiber cement were placed. In this way, a barrier is established which is made up of an empty space and resistant materials that significantly reduce the passage of heat concentrated on the walls and roof.
In the case of thermal insulation in the walls, an air extractor was added, which facilitates the circulation of air that enters through the ventilation ducts, and eliminates excess humidity in the empty space. It is worth mentioning that keeping the air with low humidity prevents the transfer of heat to the polystyrene and fiber-cement panels. The insulation of the roofs was completely covered by the same system and clad by a small layer of polished cement. In this way, said installation does not break with the general aesthetics of the museum's architecture.
The results have been excellent. The intensity of the heat inside the depots has been greatly reduced, as well as the temperature peaks that affect archaeological materials. In this way, Wiese Foundation fulfills its commitment to adequately safeguard the collections of the El Brujo Archaeological Complex.