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Por: Complejo Arqueológico El Brujo
The history of humankind is marked by enigmatic figures whose legacy arouses curiosity and wonder in later generations. Among them is the mysterious Lady of Cao, a woman from the elite of the Mochica culture in Peru, whose discovery and facial reconstruction have generated deep interest in the world of archaeology and forensic anthropology. In this note, we tell you who the Lady of Cao was, how she was discovered, and the fascinating process behind the revelation of her face.
The Lady of Cao was a female personage of the Mochica elite who may have died between the ages of 25 and 30. Bioanthropological studies have established that her height was 1.48 meters (4’85”). The tattoos featured on her body, including snakes and spiders, suggest her participation in spiritual activities and folk healing, showing a connection with the magical-religious world.
Moreover, the jewels found in her tomb, such as crowns and bludgeons, and the context of her burial, clearly indicate her social status.
The discovery of the Lady of Cao took place in 2005, in the El Brujo archaeological complex, located in the province of Ascope, region of La Libertad, Peru. During excavations in Huaca Cao Viejo, a truncated adobe pyramid in the Chicama Valley, archaeologists found the mummified remains of this enigmatic Mochica woman. They were wrapped in an intricately crafted bundle of cloth, which indicated her importance in Moche society.
This discovery dazzled the world, highlighting the position of a woman in the ancient Mochica civilization and contributing to the debate on historical perceptions of female leadership in pre-Hispanic Peru. The Lady of Cao, with her sumptuous funerary paraphernalia, represents a fascinating link with the past, offering a unique window into the rich culture and traditions of the Mochica civilization.
Learning more about the appearance of the Lady of Cao was the result of a meticulous process that combined modern technology with the ancestral knowledge of archaeology and forensic anthropology. Beginning with the discovery of the remains of the Lady of Cao in Huaca Cao Viejo, the process of facial reconstruction began with the 3D laser scanning of the mummified remains, carried out by the company FARO Technologies. This scan provided a precise digital model of the remains, on which anthropology experts and forensic artists worked meticulously.
Based on historical data and anthropological characteristics of the region, initial manual sketches of the face of the Lady of Cao were made. Then, using specialized software, the texture, color, and finish details were added to digitally recreate her facial features. This process included consulting photo galleries of women from the region and the contribution of a multidisciplinary team of experts who provided their experience in facial reconstruction.
Finally, after careful work of digital sculpting, the face of the Lady of Cao revealed her unique gaze and expression. This was made possible by the combination of cutting-edge technology and human experience, which today allows us to contemplate and connect in a more intimate manner with this historical figure.
Learn more about the Lady of Cao and the Mochica culture in the El Brujo Archaeological Complex (CAEB).
The revelation of the face of the Lady of Cao gives us a fascinating window into the past, allowing us to connect in a more intimate manner with this pre-Columbian figure.
Would you like to see the face of the Lady of Cao and her mummy? We invite you to visit the El Brujo archaeological complex and its site museum, where the mummy of the Lady of Cao is exhibited, along with her impressive funerary paraphernalia; and the bust on which the face that she may have had is replicated.
Immerse yourself in the mystery and grandeur of the Mochica civilization while you explore this worldwide unique archaeological site, where the past comes to life through the remains of an extraordinary leader. Choose among the classic, mystical or specialized route and organize your next visit to El Brujo!
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