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  • International academic cooperation between the Wiese Foundation and Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

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From September 30 to October 10, the El Brujo Archaeological Complex (CAEB) received a multidisciplinary team of Brazilian researchers from Universidad Federal Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). This academic internship has been carried out within the framework of the "International Cooperation Agreement between Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul and Augusto N. Wiese Foundation".

The main objective of this internship was the exchange of experiences in the study and management of collections, aside from carrying out educational activities with the communities.

We were accompanied by: 

- Dr. Priscila Lini, professor and bioanthropologist at UFMS, specialized in the study of human remains in archaeological and forensic contexts.

- Mag. (ca) Ana Claudia Goes Rocha, postgraduate student in anthropology, specialized in the study of human remains in archaeological and forensic contexts.

- Mag. Sabrina Lini, architect and specialist in the evaluation and monitoring of museum infrastructure.

- Dr. Carlos Eduardo da Costa Campos, historian and archaeologist, specialized in collection documentation and management.

Some of the lines of work were:

- The analysis of a sample of human bone remains coming from the necropolis of Huaca Cao Viejo (tenth and thirteenth centuries A.D.) in order to establish the biological profile and develop a proposal for the identification of degrees of intentional cranial modeling.

- The diagnosis of the facilities that house cultural assets of the CAEB and the proposal of sustainable solutions.

- Support in the processes of cataloging ceramics and archaeological metal, as well as the proposal of technical improvements for our Collection Management Platform.

Additionally, they participated actively as observers and jurors in the Third "School and Identity" Fair, organized on October 6 by the Educational Quality program of the Wiese Foundation at the CAEB. This gesture reflects their social sensitivity and commitment to replicate these educational experiences with the indigenous communities of southwestern Brazil.

Undoubtedly, these were 11 fruitful days of intense learning for both teams, which will result in greater critical knowledge and the social preservation of our cultural heritage.


Researchers , outstanding news

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